The day we got back from Tendaba was the start of a three or four day holiday called Tobaski. It is probably the equivalent of our Christmas, though it differs on many different levels. Our training had prepared us for what was to come: ram sacrifice, which I knew I didn't want to see. The morning of the first day, we went out to a field beyond the village where everyone prayed (we stayed in the back to watch) and when I got back, the ram that had been tied up in the backyard area was now in the middle of the compound. I ended up seeing most of the sacrifice, and it was actually not terrible. They dug a hold in the ground, took the goat over to the hole, layed it down, and slit its throat and the blood went into the hole.
My host mom used phrases like "pity" and "sympathize" and asked if I was

Other parts of Tobaski are sallibo (giving children candy and others money or gifts when they come into your compound to visit you) dancing, and more eating. We basically went from compound to compound drinking juice and attaya, bringing and getting presents, and chatting, much like any holiday in the US. At night, they brought out the turntables / CD player / radio with speakers thing and blasted dance music in the middle of the village, which was awesome. All the kids and teenagers went out to partake and for a while it felt like a middle school dance, seeing as I didn't know how to act, when it was ok to dance, and the clear separation of boys on one side and girls on the other. But my little sister would just say "dance, dance" to get me dancing or "you're tired, sit" and I would sit, and everything was gravy. I mostly just played with the adorable little girls in the village who absolutely loved to dance with me. We held hands in a circle and they just did whatever dance move I did and laughed and laughed.
The rest of the holiday went pretty much the same way. There are so many times I wish I had my camera but didn't, not only during Tobaski but everyday. One of these times was during Tobaski, when I was leaving a compound, walking home after some late night attaya, and there in my path I see a group out dancing near the DJ table, with a full moon shining. It was so perfect I almost cried. A true Peace Corps moment (a term we use when we can't believe our own lives), when everyone was in their own little world, dancing to the beat, in rhythm to the music, from young little girls to guys my age, not a care in the world. I never in my life thought I would be lucky enough to see something like that, a small African village enjoying their holiday to the fullest, and dancing the night away under the moonlit sky.

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